Bike Time!

One full work week in! Probably the biggest news of this week is that I finally got my new transportation in. 

This is maybe a mile (as the raven flies) from the village. About a two mile ride.

Yay for FAT BIKES! I got this delivered on Tuesday evening, and I’ve been on it pretty much ever since. Oh my gosh is it fun to ride. And it is perfect for this area – It hands mud and swampy tundra and potholey paths with ease. I had to test its limits with mud, so here’s what the bike looked like 30 minutes into my first ride:

I most certainly did hoot and holler.

It has been liberating to be able to cover a lot of territory in a short amount of time – there are lots of 4-wheeler paths around here. And also good to get a some exercise and adrenaline. 

The weather has been mostly crazy sunny and warm all week. But when there is no breeze, yes indeed there are bugs. No seeums really swarm up from the grass. But I’ve been able to find breezes either by the river or up on cemetery hill (which, sorry, I did not take picture of yet, but I will!).

Some other things that happened this week:

  • At a school board meeting the some folks from the Akiachak Tribal Corporation announced under “persons to be heard” that the only lease that they could find for the school district renting tribal land was over 30 years old, did not include many buildings that were build on tribal property, and were rented at a price “back when a can of Coke was a quarter”.
  • Also, at the school board meeting and at a tribal government meeting that I visited, the primary language spoken was Yupik.
  • My coworker’s old dog had an ear infection that apparently went to his brain, causing him to attack her. She took him out to the tundra and tearfully shot him.
  • I had my first poker night at my house! My roommate runs a regular poker night on Friday nights. Texas Hold’em, $5 buy in. The previous superintendent even bought him professional poker chips.
  • I started flying a fancy drone today, but that’s gonna be another post.

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